• +38 044 257 40 30
  • iwpim.naan@gmail.com
  • Ukraine. Kyiv

Department of Ecology aquatic ecosystems and water protection

Department of Ecology aquatic ecosystems and water protection

Head of Department Elena Sidorenko, PhD, Senior

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In the department :

Main directions of scientific activity:
  • study patterns of transformation of the ecological state of water bodies and reclaimed lands in modern conditions;
  • development methodology environmental monitoring, including water quality monitoring sites, monitoring of environmental and reclamation state of irrigated and drained lands, monitoring of soil in areas of influence of drainage systems;
  • development of environmental indicators to assess the state of the environment and guidance on their use;
  • development of scientific bases of protection of land and water resources within the nature reserve fund;
  • Development methodology renaturalization reclaimed areas;
  • development of integrated approaches to the consolidation of water and land resources;
  • advising on complex use and protection of water and land resources;
  • operational development and long-term forecasts of proposals on the main directions of land reclamation and protection and use of reclaimed land, including changes in the ecological status of water bodies and reclaimed lands;
  • development of theoretical and practical principles of environmental auditing and water reclamation facilities;
  • international cooperation in the use and protection of water bodies, water conservation and ecology of reclaimed land;
  • development of normative and technical documentation in the field of environmental protection on reclaimed lands;
  • develop measures to protect bodies of water cross-border areas;
  • research on the environmental quality of water resources for the conservation and management;
  • study patterns of qualitative and quantitative indicators of water formed in the territory intake basins depending on the different types of human activities;
  • study patterns of hydrological phenomena and processes in natural and artificial water bodies with regard to anthropogenic influences and modern trends of climate change;
  • establishing patterns of changes in water quality, depending on hydrological conditions and water content of rivers;
  • development of scientific and methodological bases of river runoff and river beds regulation, assessment of flood hazard and risk levels and research, forecasts and modeling of river bed dynamics processes in mountain and plain river basins;
  • Development methodology rapid response to deteriorating water quality for its improvement;
  • development of scientific principles and structure of monitoring water quality at water management facilities (natural watercourses, artificial ponds, reservoirs, ponds);
  • water monitoring and analysis of their situation, identify the main causes (sources) deterioration of the ecological state of water bodies, predicting changes in the hydrological regime and ecological status of water bodies and development of scientifically based recommendations to improve the stability of river ecosystems;
  • development of methods of operational control changes ecological status of water and water bodies in general;
  • design and participation in implementation of state target, interstate and regional programs of water management, use and restoration of water resources;
  • creation of a comprehensive basin geoinformation system with a bank of cadastral information on water fund, structure of water management complex, water resources, their use and other information;
  • development and implementation of effective resource-saving structures of coastal protection and regulating hydraulic structures of flood protection of settlements and agricultural lands;
  • hydrology and water management in carrying out scientific calculations and design work on water in the basins and reclamation systems;
  • scientific study design and verification measures envisaged projects on irrigation and obvodnyuvalnyh systems, reservoirs and canals to prevent flooding, flooding, waterlogging, salinization and soil erosion, and contamination of surface and groundwater discharge of irrigation systems;
  • scientific justification bidding fees for issuing permits for special use of water in order to promote rational use and protection of waters and reproduction of water resources, including the fee for special use of water and ecological tax on discharges of pollutants into water bodies;
  • development and implementation of environmental technologies and engineering structures erosion on sloping land and small river basins; — Development of sectoral regulatory guidance documents on monitoring and protection of waters, fluvial processes, regulation of riverbeds and safe operation of waterworks water management purposes;
  • services for determining the quality of irrigation, drainage and waste water;
  • services for determining the chemical composition of drinking water.

 Research topics of ecology of aquatic ecosystems and water protection held

1. develop organizational and environmental and economic principles of reclaimed land consolidation based on assessment of environmental and reclamation condition (2016-2018)

2. Set laws functioning reclaimed agricultural landscapes humid zone and develop scientific and methodological principles of sustainable use (2016-2020)

3. Develop method for assessing the ecological state of soils and perform impact assessment of the evolution of land reclaimed soils (2016-2018)

4. Set patterns of water metabolism of new varieties of plants to complete sowing reclaimed land and justify the methodology of forming innovative agricultural technologies reclamation of agriculture (2016-2020)

 2.   Existing projects (development) of ecology of aquatic ecosystems and water protection offered to potential customers 

  1. Guidelines for assessment of reclaimed agricultural landscapes in the area drainage of land under modern conditions. The National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation, 2015. — 40 p
  2. Guidelines for the formation of sustainable agricultural landscapes on reclaimed lands humid zone and scientific basis renaturalization. The National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation, 2015. — 39 p.

Having IPR

The patent for utility model number 45287 UA IPC G01 №15 / 08. The method of determining the structure of the pore space of soils (dispersion medium). Published: 10.11.2009. Authors: Sergey S. Kolomiets, Nikolai Yatsyk.


03022, m. Kyiv, Vasylkivska str .., 37, Department of Environment Protection of aquatic ecosystems and water separation Water Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation Academy of Agricultural Sciences. 
Laboratory of Ecology aquatic facilities — room number 601, email: 63059@ukr.net, tel .: +38 (044) 257-40-21, +38 (044) 257-53-02