• +38 044 257 40 30
  • iwpim.naan@gmail.com
  • Ukraine. Kyiv

Department of Water Resources

Manager Shevchenko Anatoliy , PhD, Senior
Profile  Google  Scholar

The structure of  the Department of Water Resources  include :

— Laboratory of Water Management ,
Head -Danylenko Yu, Ph.D.
Profile Google  Scholar 

— Laboratory of Water and Wastewater ,
head — Matselyuk E.M., Ph.D.

Main directions of scientific activity:
• research and formation conditions of water resources and manifestations harmful effects of water;
• study the transformation processes of water resources;
• research and assess the impact of economic activities on water resources;
• research and assess the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on the development of processes of flooding and flooding of rural areas;
• establishing patterns of natural, social, economic and technological processes using water for irrigation and agricultural water supply;
• studying the structure and nature of the pollution of wastewater villages and agricultural enterprises in modern conditions;
• Creation of theoretical bases of energy saving water supply;
• Development of the methodology of evaluation, mapping and environmental regulation of anthropogenic pressures on water resources and agricultural landscapes in zones of water reclamation;
• Formation of scientific principles and methodology of geo organization providing decision-making on water management and rural comprehensive protection against flooding, flooding, etc;
• scientific substantiation methodology of natural water cleansing and sewage and improve the efficiency of water treatment plants, methodology closed systems of water management for agricultural enterprises;
• research on the organization and monitoring of water resources and harmful effects of water;
• research systems and water supply and sanitation facilities in rural settlements and agricultural enterprises;
• estimation, prediction and visualization of the water resources potential areas;
• zoning for rural water resources potential and promising directions of its use;
• differentiation of territory by directions and nature of the manifestation of adverse water-ecological situations and harmful effects of water;
• evaluation, modeling and prediction of the status and quality of surface water resources and the health and sustainability of lands manifestations harmful effects of water, dynamics, geo-ecological processes, water and environmental situations and risk using methods of Geoinformatics, mapping, advanced new technologies (GIS, remote sensing, etc. )
• forecasting and optimization of surface water hydrochemical regime;
• predicting changes in water content of rivers;
• Development of scientific bases of rational use of water resources potential, methods and techniques of water management;
• theoretical and experimental study of methods and technologies:
 long-term and short-term forecasting of processes of formation of complex use and restoration of water resources;
 drafting, computer visualization and optimization plans for integrated water resources management (river basin management plans) and water balances;
 of management decisions on integrated water resources management;
 spatial assessment and regulation of water balance of agricultural landscapes.
• developing methods, technologies and tools to ensure effective water treatment, water supply and drainage villages and agricultural enterprises;
• substantiation of the complex of anti-degradation, environmental protection, incl. water protection measures, measures for rational use and protection of water resources, management of their quality, measures for protection against hazardous processes caused by the action of water;
• Development of regulatory and scientific guidance documents from the support of the basin and regional water resources Derzhvodahenstva departments, organizations, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine;
• Development of scientific studies and scientific support river basin management plans, schemes, agricultural water supply systems;
• scientific support implementation of state programs for the development of water management and ecological rehabilitation of rivers, ensure quality drinking water regions of Ukraine etc.
• organizing and conducting conferences, seminars and meetings on the efficient use of water resources, development of agricultural water protection areas from flooding and so on.

Budget subjects of research in 2018 «investigate the processes of formation water in agricultural landscapes, develop methods to control their balance and quality of different farming systems» «Set changing patterns of qualitative and quantitative indicators of natural waters due to anthropogenic pressure them and develop a methodology to ensure high-quality rural water consumers »» Run harmful effects of water research and develop scientific and methodological guidelines for the development of protection agricultural landscapes tools and villages on its manifestations » «investigate the spectral characteristics of water bodies and reclaimed land to develop scientific and methodological basis of evaluation of their environment by spatially distributed data» «To develop rational technological scheme and design facilities in agricultural water systems water-poor regions of Ukraine» «Study of changes in water quality in low-flowing river bays to assess the possibility of using them as sources of drinking water»

03022, m. Kyiv, Vasylkivska Str .. 37, 
Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
Department of Water resursiv- room number 304, 
email for: monitoring_protect@ukr.net, 
tel .: +38 (044) 257-89-88