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  • Ukraine. Kyiv

Department of using of agroresource potential

Department of using of agroresource potential

Head of the Department Datsko Lyudmila, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher

Leading scientists of the department.
Dacko Lyudmila. Head of Department use agroresource potential candidate agricultural sciences, senior researcher main areas of work: — Assessment agroresource potential agricultural regions to determine efficient ways of ecological and safe use of the land. — Testing of the basic elements of growing technology, fruit and energy crops. — Scientific support farming on the reclaimed land. — Consultations with increasing soil fertility Woodlands, forest and steppe. — Expert advisor on the protection of soil fertility.

He has over 80 publications, including 2 collective monographs, 15 guidelines.
Major works :
1. V. Grekov Protection and restoration of soil fertility in agricultural ecosystems zonal / VA Greeks, L.V. Dacko // Agroecology magazine. — 2009. — № 1. — P. 43-45.
2. L.V. Dacko Environmental and economic aspects of sustainable land use for soil fertility restoration / L.V. Dacko, M.I. Maystrenko // Protection of soil fertility. — Vol. 8. — 2012. — P. 24-40.
3. Plyskiv I.V. The cost of essential nutrients in soils Ukraine / I.V. Plyskiv, L.V. Dacko, A.S. Demjanjuk / Agroecology magazine. — 2013. — № 1. — P. 55-60.
4. Bioorganic farming systems in the area drainage [Guidelines] / ed. Member of NAAS bark Yu.O. Tarariko. — K .: Dia, 2013. — 216 p.
5. Yu.O. Tarariko Creating bioenergy agro-ecosystems in the context of desertification deceleration / Yu.O. Tarariko, L.V. Dacko // Agroecology magazine. — 2014. — № 4. — P. 7-10.
6. TARARIKO Yu.A, DATSKO L.V. Development of bioenergy agroecosystems to reduce the impact of desertification / https://www.conftool.pro/3sc-unccd-2015/index.php?page=browse Sessions & form_session = 13 & presentations = hide

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Contacts : 067-193-21-60, 066-273-00-93

Yuriy Soroka
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Main areas of work:
— Assessment agroresource potential agricultural regions to determine efficient ways of ecological and safe use of the land.
— Testing of the basic technologies of growing crops.
— Study of the potential formation of major crops.
— Justification and development of low-cost technologies increase crop yields.
— Scientific support farming.
— Conduct public tests of agrochemicals (fertilizers, plant growth regulators, biological).

He has over 50 publications, including 5 in collective monographs, co-author of the patent.

The main scientific works :
1. Yu.V. Tarariko Stationary agronomic experiments as an information database monitoring, modeling and forecasting of agricultural ecosystems / Yu.V. Tarariko, Yu.V. Soroka // Visn. Agrar. Science. — 2004. — №5. — S. 18 — 23.
2. Bioeneorhetychni irrigated agro-ecosystems. Scientific and technological support agricultural production (Southern Steppe Ukraine) / Ed .. Yu. Tarariko. — K .: Dia, 2010. — 86 p.
3. Eremina T..A. Implementation ahroresursnoho potential ordinary black soil in north-central steppe / T.A. Eremina, Yu.V. Soroka // Visn. Agrar. Science. — 2014. — №8. — S. 57 — 62.
4. Saydak R.V. Agrometeorological potential steppe zone of Ukraine / R.V. Saydak, Yu.V. Soroka // Ahroekol. Zh. — 2014. — №3. — S. 23 — 27.
5. Yu.O. Tarariko The methodology of selecting the optimal model of agricultural production / Yu. O.Tarariko, O.A. Kozachenko, Yu.V. Soroka // Agricultural science — production. — 2012. — № 2. — P. 23
6. Yu.O. Tarariko Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of agricultural technologies based hydrothermal conditions / Yu.O. Tarariko, R.V. Saydak, Yu.V. Soroka — K .: Agrar. Science, 2013. — 64 p.
7. The method of bioenergy assessment of farming / [Yu.O. Tarariko, O.A. Kozachenko, R.V. Saydak, Yu.V. Soroka Yu.G. Lisovyi, L.V. Dacko, M.O. Dacko] for science. Ed. Yu.O. Tarariko. — K: Agrar. Science, 2013. — 40 p.
Contacts : 044-490-95-47

Saydak Roman
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

The main areas of work:
— development of the scientific and technological bases of rational use of agrarian resources in the agricultural domain Ukraine;
— development and assessment methodology zoning agroresource potential of Ukraine;
— development of scientific bases in the use and distribution of agricultural Ukraine reclamation agroresource considering potential areas;
— studying the patterns of productivity of field crops based agro-climatic factors;
— development of algorithms and models predicting the performance of field crops, depending on agrometeorological and agronomic factors;
— the formation and maintenance of database software agroresource production;
— mathematical modeling and forecasting in agriculture;
— expert advisor on agriculture.
He has over 60 publications.
Major works :
1. R.V. Saydak Evaluation territory of Ukraine at levels favorable agrometeorological and natural resources for growing winter wheat // Irrigation and Water hospodarstvo.- 2004.- Vol. — 9.
2. R.V. Saydak Impact of agrometeorological and agronomic factors on the sustainability and productivity of agricultural crops in the area of Southern Barrens // Irrigation and Water hospodarstvo.- 2009.- Vol. — 97. S.261 — 271.
3. R.V. Saydak Factor crop rotation as a means to optimize water and nutrient regime sodpodzolic soil // Journal of Agricultural Science. — 2013. — №2. — P. 10-13.
4. Romashchenko M.I, Grin Yu.I.,Saydak R.V. Methodological aspects of calculating reimbursement to farmers for the use of water for irrigation and water reclamation // hospodarstvo.- 2013.- Vol. — 100, Volume 1. S. 18 — 26.
5. Tarariko Yu.O, Saydak R.V, Soroka Y. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of agricultural technologies based hydrothermal conditions / Yu.Tarariko, R. Saydak, Yu.Soroka // — K .: Ahrar.nauka, 2013. — 64 p.
6. Saydak R.V. Dependence of fertilizer efficiency taking into account hydrothermal conditions / R.V. Sydak // Agroecol. . — 2014. — № 4. — P. 74 — 78.
7. Saydak R.V. Vertical infiltration of moisture and nitrogen in sod-podzolic periodically water-logged soils / R.V. Saydak, Yu.O. Tarariko // News of Science and Education — Science and Education , England — 2014. — № 20 (20). — S. 45 — 49.

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