Department of Water Management and operation of drainage systems
DIVISION OPERATING water management, drainage systems
Head of Department
Kovalenko V., PhD. Sc. Science, art. N. with.
Tel / Fax: +38 (044) 257-43-12, Mob.: 0506950991
profile Google Scholar
Leading specialists of the department :
1. Briuzgina ND — candidate. Sc. Science, art. N. with.
2. Dekhtyar AA — candidate. Sc. Science, art. N. with.
3. Voytovych IV — candidate. Sc. Science, art. N. with.
4. Shevchuk YA.V.- Chief Specialist
5. Lead Engineer Ignatova O.S.-
6. Martyniuk H.F.- chief specialist
7. Litvinenko P.YE.- Senior Engineer
8. EB Mandryk — Senior Engineer.
Research topics :
— development and introduction of new technologies and facilities for the repair and reconstruction of existing water systems and reclamation facilities with advanced composite materials;
— development and improvement of the system of legal security in the field of water management operation of waterworks and drainage systems;
— development and introduction of new and improvement of existing methods of monitoring and diagnostics maintenance of water supply facilities;
— Development and implementation of materials and technology equipment repair pumping stations, waterworks and drainage systems;
— development and improvement of technologies and mechanisms for sanitation pipe drainage systems;
— development of concrete and repair mortars with mineral and chemical additives for use in the repair or reconstruction of water supply and drainage systems.
Development and services :
— Instructions for technology repair work on the hydraulic structures reclamation systems using polymeric and composite materials Polymer. (Approved by the State Committee for Water Ukraine №258 from 30.11.2010). Is introduced waterschap Derzhvodahentstva.
— Methods to determine the locations of seepage losses through the lining of irrigation channels. (Approved by the State Committee for Water Ukraine №258 from 30.11.2010 g.); determining seepage losses from canals and reservoirs; Technical evaluation of the channel drainage systems. Introduced into water management organizations Derzhvodahentstva.
— Regulation of the arrangement of injection technology repair waterproofing coating waterproofing active leaks removal parts dock pumping stations, repair bituminous roll roofing, corrosion protection metalokonsruktsiy on irrigation systems, repair and insulation works on concrete structures. Implemented in water management organizations Derzhvodahentstva.
— Recommendations for the selection of optimal designs antifiltration facings in the reconstruction of irrigation canals; Evaluation of technical condition protyvopavodkovyh protective structures; to ensure durability and efficiency GTS Water Management and drainage systems during their reconstruction; of electrochemical protection of pipelines restored irrigation systems; the arrangement geomembrane GTS (including reservoirs, canals, ponds, which are implemented in the design decisions).
— Manual equipment repair water systems polymer composites (Kyiv — 2012)
— Design antifiltration facings and fastenings channel irrigation systems / Guide to DBN V.2.4-1-99 «reclamation systems and structures.» K., 2006.-79 p.
— developed a system design and engineering technology solutions to implement riverbank ponds, rivers, seas, which are partially embedded in the design of projects.
— The technology of pipe restoration of irrigation systems (technical solutions implemented in the project of reconstruction of irrigation systems).
— Formed methodological approaches to technical and technological re-equipment of Water Management and reclamation complex (fleet optimization of water management organizations).
— Scheme of complex use of water resources of small rivers basins.
Examples of implementation of development at the sites Derzhvodahentstva Ukraine,
channel management Dnipro Inhulets
— Development of technologies of corrosion protection of reinforced concrete and metal structures UKDI main pumping station;
— Consultancy and development of technology repair work №1 hydraulic tunnel using dry Polymer blends;
Irpen interregional Water Management
— Development of technologies of repair of buildings Irpin MUVH pumping stations;
— Sealing of horizontal joints and inlets of discharge by injection;
— Sealing host connections basement pumping stations and blind area;
Kakhovske MUVH
-Development designs intakes at pumping stations swap Kahovsky MUVH using polymeric materials;
Office of the Chief Kahovsky main channel
— Development of modified concrete to repair and restore the GTS UHKMK by reinforced concrete
— Develop structures for water from algae Kakhovskoe main channels
— Scientific study and drafting repairing slabs main pumping station
Yakymivske MUVH
— Scientific and technical substantiation of application latex, plasticizers and reinforcing additives when applying internal insulation cement-sand steel pipes
Novotr itske MUVH
— Development and implementation of technology antifiltration protection of dock CSN-1 using polymeric resins.
Genicheskoe HCG
— Development and implementation of corrosion protection of steel structures for irrigation systems
Chaplynske HCG
— hydro technical protection waterworks and industrial buildings
Mykolayevskyi MUVH
— Justification of water loss in water management tract GFS South Bug irrigation system to the reservoir Nechayanskoho
Development and services :
- development of technological and design schemes for improving and adapting existing drainage systems to the introduction of modern low-pressure sprinkler technology;
- antifiltration designing facings and fastenings channel irrigation systems / Guide to DBN V.2.4-1-99 «reclamation systems and structures.» K., 2006.-79 p.
- systems engineering design and technical solutions to implement riverbank ponds, rivers, seas, which are partially embedded in the design of projects.
- improving designs smittezatrymuyuchyh polymer-frame grilles for water at the outlet pumping stations vodopodachi
- technological regulations of placing geomembrane GTS (including reservoirs, canals, ponds, which are implemented in the design decisions).
- technology recovery pipe irrigation systems (technical solutions implemented in the project of reconstruction of irrigation systems).
1. Restoration pipelines Polymer solutions
2. Recovery pipeline by pipe in pipe
- methodological approaches to technical and technological re-equipment of Water Management and reclamation complex (fleet optimization of water management organizations).
- scientific support projects (authorship supervision) reconstruction waterworks Water Management and reclamation complex coatings and irrigation channels;
- scientific and technical support reconstruction sites of pipelines and irrigation water;
- recommendations on the use of geosynthetics in the recovery facings channels.
Examples of implementation of development :
1. Technology and design recovery antifiltration facings channels using geosynthetics. The technology worked on Ingulets irrigation main canal.
2. A set of flow charts to restore antifiltration reinforced concrete lining of irrigation channels using geosynthetics.

Repair of concrete structures using polymer additives in hydraulic structures Bortnicheskaya MUVH.
Waterproofing by injection polyurethane compositions Kochurskiy pumping station Irpin MUVH
Repair asphalt roll roofing second lift pumping station channel Dnipro Inhulets
Repairing and sealing joints and active cracks in concrete and reinforced concrete structures waterworks drainage systems elastomeric compositions hydraulic structures Bortnicheskaya MUVH.
Thermographic diagnostics of power equipment pumping stations Kamensky MUVH
Definition of seepage losses from irrigation canals methods insulated compartment (water gauge post) the channel P-3 Ingulets irrigation system.
Determination of soil density by cutting a ring on Inhulets main channel.

Having IPR
More than 60 patents for utility models dedicated to the development of new materials and technologies to improve operational reliability of structures Water Management and drainage systems and methods for protecting and repairing the surface of concrete structures, identification of microcracks concrete slabs facings reclamation channels, controlling corrosion of reinforced concrete facings reclamation channels, sealing joints and repair of building structures, restoration of pipelines, determining where filtering in concrete lining irrigation canals.