• +38 044 257 40 30
  • iwpim.naan@gmail.com
  • Ukraine. Kyiv

Department of Reclaimed Lands Use

Сторінка українською

Department of Reclaimed Lands Use

Head of the Department:

Nataliia Didenko, Ph.D. (Agricultural Sciences)

tel.: +38(050) 94 49 308; e-mail: 9449308nd@gmail.com

Links:  ORCID; ResearchGate; Google Академія; Publons; Scopus


Leading Scientists and Specialists of the Department:

Serhii Kolomiiets, Ph.D. (Agricultural Sciences), Leading Researcher of the Department. Links: ORCID; Google Академія

Fedir Melnychuk, D.Sc. (Agricultural Sciences), Senior Research Fellow, Leading Researcher of the Department. Links: ORCID, Google Академія

Mykhailo Retman, Ph.D. (Agricultural Sciences), Senior Researcher of the Department. Links: ORCID, Google Академія

Anastasiia Sardak, Researcher of the Department. Links: ORCID,Google Академія


Brylivske Research Field

Head of the Research FieldYuriy Cherevichnyi, Ph.D. (Agricultural Sciences),

tel.: +38 (050) 707 90 85; e-mail: yurecgp@gmail.com  Links: ORCIDWeb of Science

Scientists and Specialists in the Research Field:

Volodymyr Vasyuta, D.Sc. (Agricultural Sciences), Senior Research Fellow, Chief Researcher of the Research Field in the Department. Links: ORCIDWeb of Science

Oleksandr Zhuravlev, D.Sc. (Agricultural Sciences), Chief Researcher of the Research Field in the Department. Links: ORCID, Google Академія, Scopus, Ирбіс

Oleg Marinkov, Researcher of the Research Field in the Department

Iryna Levartovska, Technician of the Research Field in the Department